Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sanctification or the price of aging

(thank you John Camp. Read the whole quote here)

Gerhard Forde on Sanctification:
from "Christian Spirituality"--(pp. 31-32)

.. Well, maybe it seems as though I sin less, but that may only be because
I'm getting tired! It's just too hard to keep indulging the lusts of youth. Is
that sanctification? I wouldn't think so! One should not, I expect, mistake
encroaching senility for sanctification! "But can it be, perhaps, that it is
precisely the unconditional gift of grace that helps me to see and admit all
that? I hope so. The grace of God should lead us to see the truth about
ourselves, and to gain a certain lucidity, a certain humor, a certain

I can really understand this, especially since August 2006 when suddenly I had an M.I.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ellul on the future

Halden has a great quote from Jacques Ellul about how when a revolutionary judges today's situation, it is done with a truth -- a truth that is obviously only in the mind and is potentially possible in the future.

This means that the future truth is invading into the present trying to dominate it by judging itand make us believe that the future truth is more important than the present.

This is a subject that I've read many things about from Dr. Myers and others on the web but I could not understand.

How many gaps do I have in my knowledge

There Are 1 Gaps in Your Knowledge

Where you have gaps in your knowledge:


Where you don't have gaps in your knowledge:







Do You Have Gaps in Your Knowledge

So there you know my weakness

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How much will you give to save yourself and how much to save your neighbour

Andrew Leonard of "How the world Works" says that the amount of money given in aid by the whole world is paltry compared to how much the US government is are willing to lend GM to buy the almost worthless Chrysler.

At the same time is the whole system collapsed he says that even worse things would happen to the poor. Still given a problem to the economy we spend huge sums of otherwise unobtainable money.

Can I do this on my own. How much should be my financial safety net? Is that even the right question. ... (I wish I could say see my upcoming post in which I will provide a neat insight and solve this painful issue.)