Saturday, May 3, 2008

Random Words and sentences - Sustainable

Hurray, I got the subscription - thank you Britannica. Since my blog posts are rarely very analytical and since I mostly write "me too" postscripts to other people's thinking.

Anyway I hope this is the start of a series on words that interest me and what Britannica's dictionary gives as definition.

So my first word is sustainable. Britannica says that a resource used without depleting or damaging it permanently is sustainable.

I sure wish I could live sustainable. My life is backed by the ICD implanted in me that uses raw materials and methods of production that are most probably non-sustainable. Leave alone the fact the device cannot be recharged and therefore has to be discarded and replaced every 4 to 7 years depending on how intensly it has been used.

Most of what I do and use requires unfairly huge amounts of energy.

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