Monday, April 21, 2008

Richard Koch: 80/20 but not for Babies

"See where you spend your time. See where you get your results. Is it 50/50 or more like 80/20?"

For this idea, I really have no idea if this is true. My supplement would be that if you 20% of what you do gets 80% of your result, it does not mean that 80% of what you do should be relegated to the sidelines of your life.

I don't know if this is the right application of the idea but here goes. If 20% of the time you spent with the family is counted as most valuable 80% (quality time), does it follow that you should ignore the remaining 80% of the regular boring non quality just being there kind of time.

If 20% of your friends form 80% of your time spent on friends does that mean you can safetly ignore or put in second place those other friends.

What I am trying to say that you can apply formulae like this to people and probably ideas.

Just wondering which 20% of the 500 ideas in Brian's list are the most valuable so I can just kick them first. ;-)

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