I just had to post this from here (Note 118) .
"You cannot express the holy in terms made for the profane; but you can discuss the profane in terms made for the holy."
That's what most marketing / sales talk is. To some extant the story of Babel in the Old Testament is the beginning of this kind of wholesale camouflage. Language used to connect things that cannot be connected.
Here are some more beauties:
Pure generosity is when you help the ingrate. Every other form is self-serving
Education makes the wise slightly wiser, but makes the fool vastly more dangerous.
Most modern technologies are deferred punishment.
You will get the most attention from those who hate yrou. No friend, no admirer, and no partner will flatter you with equal curiosity.
Dubai borrowed to put vanity buildings on postcards; America and W. Europe need to borrow to just survive.
Naseem Nicholas Taleb